His identity as an athlete has been shifted to his identity in Christ and he is committed to appreciating the value of team, and mentorship is at the heart of everything he does. His journey afforded him over 25 years of spine health, education, and life rehabilitation, which he gladly coaches others on when they need it. Lance has a B.A. in Speech Communication from Cal State University Fresno and was certified in his craft through the International Sports Science Association. As a certified fitness trainer CFT and movement expert, he has used his expertise as a multi-sport athlete, education, and his own life experience to help a multitude of people, young and old. He is grateful for the platform he has weekly to facilitate spiritual growth in his clients and helps them remove physical and psychological limitations they’ve placed on themselves.
Lance’s clientele is broad, where on any week, coach’s between 35-40 clients in a team setting or individually. He is skilled in the development and athletic performance of jr. high and high school youngsters and is partnering with a club and school teams to enhance positive outcomes. He desires to work together with other organizations to do faith-based mentoring through the fundamentals of exercise and nutrition. When he is not coaching the youngsters, he is helping senior citizens with mobility, flexibility, and cardiovascular health to improve the quality of their life.
Lance’s most recent development was he was married in November of 2018 to an elementary school principal. A role he gladly takes on, as they navigate life with God at the center.

Certified Fitness Trainer recieved from International Sports Sciences Association
B.A. in Speech Communication from California State University, Fresno